Phase 2

This was my favorite phase as I got to talk to new people and since, I am a naturally extroverted person, the interview process as interviewing and being the interviewees very easy and natural.



*ps: this is screenshotted from Google Docs so it is much easier to spot my mistakes as they are underlined*

I am trying not to cringe so hard at my rough drafts because me a few moths ago thought they were pretty solid. Looking back, this is a really good, for a rough draft. There is small grammar errors and a lot of overexplaining, noted when I explain what a motif is multiple times. This is a solid foundation for the rest of my paper.


My life is so chaotic and reading these reflection letters make me remember all the crazy things that happen in my life. Constantly. It makes me laugh though because it offers me some consolance because my life been crazy since Day 1. Moving on to the rhetorical analysis, I do like my integration and flow of things. There has been significant improvement , at least to me, since the previous phase and that is only a a few weeks of difference. The only suggestion I got was to not be so cutthroat with definitions. They are obvious terms and instead of being helpful, I am being a bit insulting.

*adding only the sections of revisions since this is a longer piece that the previous*


I edited the section that was repetitive as suggested by Professor B . I took away that repetitiveness and made it less redundant.